Plotting with dialogue

Plotting with dialogue: a really interesting blog post from Janet Gover over on Take Five Authors.

Take Five Authors

The closest I usually get to plotting is a few scribbled notes on odd bits of paper. And usually this starts when the book is half done. The closest I usually get to plotting is a few scribbled notes on odd bits of paper. And usually this starts when the book is half done.

Whenever a few writers get together, at some point the age old question is going to come up…. Are you a plotter or a pantser?

This of course refers to our way of working. Do you plot the novel in detail in advance or do you just sit down and fly by the seat of your pants. I tend towards the latter, but in either case, the hope is that the result will be a novel. A good one with realistic characters and a gripping plot.

Last week I was confronted by a sort of third option – plotting with a few lines of dialogue. This a really intriguing idea came from Sophie Weston, who has sold about 12 million books world-wide…

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About djpaterson

Reader, Writer, Arithmeticer. Not always in that order.
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