Review: The Twisted Web, by Rebecca Bradley


A social media shaming. A killer with a message. A deadly combination.

When the body of a man is left in the city centre set up as a realistic police crime scene, DI Hannah Robbins is forced to enter a world that can break a person, a case and a reputation.

Social media platforms light up and Hannah is pitted against the raging online monster and a killer who has already lost everything.

Can she catch the killer and put him behind bars or will she become part of his sadistic game?

The Twisted Web is book 4 in the Detective Hannah Robbins series, and can certainly be read as a standalone, although for fans of a series, you might want to start with book 1, Shallow Waters, if you want to enjoy the characters’ progression – and don’t want to find out prematurely about the odd character’s death!

The murder of a real-crime blogger followed by the very public dumping of his body drops the police into their very own social media nightmare, where viral posts can drive public opinion faster than you can say police media liaison officer.

I love Rebecca’s police procedurals – they have the authenticity that being a retired police detective can bring, but her skill at slipping police methodology into the story without it feeling laboured is excellent, and there’s always something new and interesting that I’ve never come across before!

Although we have a good idea who the perpetrator is early on – and through the use of mixed first and third-person narrative we have the jump on the police in that respect – there is still a great reveal towards the end that I didn’t see coming.

Another fab (and well-paced) book from Rebecca, which is excellently narrated by Colleen Prendergast.

My thoughts on the first three Hannah Robbins novels can be found here: Book 1, Shallow Waters; Book 2, Made to be Broken, and Book 3, Fighting Monsters.

About djpaterson

Reader, Writer, Arithmeticer. Not always in that order.
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